Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pumping iron, man

No matter how fancy you want to be with your speed work, heart rate zones, intervals, hill climbs, VO2 max, lactate thresholds, bike drills, stroke work, and sprints, the core of an Ironman training program is hours and hours of swimming, biking and running. My total volume is a little over 10 hours a week right now and it will be up over 25 by the end of this thing. I'll build volume for 3 weeks, then scale back a bit for a week, then build again.

All that forward motion can be addictive. It can also be tiring. It's time consuming, and as the weather improves, the call of the great outdoors is tough to resist. It's easy to skip strength work, but that's an important part of triathlon training, as coach and elite Ironman Shane Niemeyer writes: "Why strength train as a triathlete? Strength training makes the body more durable and less prone to injury, it promotes range of motion, and significantly improves economy of movement and time to exhaustion among a host of other physiological and neuro-muscular benefits."

I'm loving his 4-phase strength-training plan for triathletes. Right now I'm in the third phase, heavy weight and plyometric training.


What I did: Strength training. Elliptical: 15 min warmup, 1x0.5mi, 2x0.3 mi, 4x0.15 mi, Z3, 10 minute cooldown. Swim warmup and drills, then 2x25, 2x50, 2x100, 2x150, 2x200, easy/fast, warm-down

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